Large Storage Level Monitoring Tanks

i-telemetry presents a tailored, branded level monitoring solution designed to accurately measure liquid levels within large storage tanks, capable of reaching heights of up to 6 floors. With our solution, you can easily ascertain the quantity of liquid remaining in stock or projected future requirements, enhancing your industrial plant’s efficiency and return on investment.

Our IoT-powered solution is equipped with advanced analytics, enabling you to make data-driven decisions that lead to improved profitability. Additionally, it offers the convenience of interconnecting multiple storage tanks across your industrial facility through a single dashboard, streamlining your operations and facilitating better oversight. Whether your industry is in oil & gas, beverage, pharmaceuticals, or any other sector utilizing large storage tanks, i-telemetry’s level monitoring solution is here to help you optimize performance and boost productivity.

Flowchart explaining the functionality of this solution

Technical Features

Plug-and-PlayThe i-telemetry solution offers a seamless installation process and user-friendly operation, enhanced by its personalization feature. Tailor the parameters to align with your specific needs and maintain complete control over your entire storage tank system through a single, intuitive dashboard.
Accurate MeasurementUtilizing cutting-edge auto-calibration algorithms and sophisticated methodologies, the i-telemetry solution guarantees precise level measurements of the stored fluid. This state-of-the-art level monitoring system employs wireless ultrasonic sensors to ascertain the liquid's level by gauging the distance between the sensor and the surface of the fluid.
Data-driven ApproachThe distance data between the sensor and the liquid surface is sent to the cloud, where it undergoes conversion into valuable insights. Subsequently, these insights are presented on the IoT dashboard for in-depth analysis. This functionality assists managers in drawing conclusions based on various parameters and facilitates informed decision-making. i-Telemetry plays a crucial role in this process.
Compatible with Multiple TanksThe i-telemetry solution is customized to accommodate the various dimensions and configurations of storage tanks across multiple industries. It can be seamlessly deployed on storage tanks of any type or size, including those with heights of up to 6 floors, delivering precise and reliable results.
In PharmaceuticalsThe pharmaceutical industry operates multiple separation tanks to store various types of drug solutions, making it crucial to maintain precise ratios to prevent significant losses for the management. To address this challenge, the industry seeks innovative solutions for accurately measuring solution levels during drug manufacturing. The i-telemetry system, comprising cutting-edge software, hardware, and state-of-the-art sensor devices, offers automated detection of liquid levels in bulk storage tanks. This technology brings significant advantages to the pharmaceutical sector by enhancing the precision of drug solution level measurements, thereby ensuring that the final product adheres to the required standards.
Oil & Gas IndustryManaging oil levels in large storage containers is a significant industry challenge, solvable through advanced systems like i-telemetry tank level monitoring. This technology, equipped with embedded sensors, autonomously detects oil and gas levels, offering real-time inventory control and personalized alerts for level fluctuations. Similarly, i-telemetry level monitoring solutions for flowing water can effectively monitor wastewater levels in sewer systems, collecting data to track changes and calculate flow rates. This data analysis aids in identifying sewer overflow risks, scheduling low-level maintenance, and optimizing sewer capacity.
Beverage IndustryLevel monitoring in the beverage industry is essential for ensuring the accurate inspection of liquid levels in large tanks and during packaging processes. This solution enables managers to maintain real-time control over liquid levels, preventing overflows during manufacturing. By employing the i-telemetry system, you can ensure consistency among the components stored in the tank. The level monitoring system includes ultrasonic level sensors that can also anticipate potential issues such as overflows or leaks that may disrupt productivity. Furthermore, you can seamlessly expand and adapt this solution to precisely fill beverage containers for efficient distribution.

Business Benefits

Provides real-time and remote control of the equipment
One dashboard to perform all the managerial tasks conveniently
Uses advanced data analytics to measure accurate fluid levels
Sturdy hardware to withstand extreme temperatures
Offers end-to-end workability and services for enhanced industrial productivity
Supports all kinds of liquids for level measurement
Allows you to personalize the threshold limits according to the requirements
Provides data-driven insights to improve decision-making strategies
Wireless feature offers easy installation of the system